Improving Maternal Health Care Systems
Low standards of the health care system is the major cause of maternal mortality. Improving the health systems involves training the health providers on emergency obstetric care. The medical centers should be equipped with surgical supplies and equipment. This will enable them handle emergencies.
Access to medical care in the remote areas is enhanced by training more health providers. No matter the cost of developing health care, countries must invest to help save the lives lost.
Promote access to maternal health care systems
Death is prevalent among women in rural areas due to lack of access to medical facilities. This happens as they have limited medical practitioners to help them. The cost of accessing and getting to the medical facilities is out of their reach.
Improving health facilities is not worth when they cannot serve the intended purpose. Apart from health systems, the other amenities must also be improved.
Providing incentives to health providers.
Several people do not think it is right for money to be a motivation to health providers. Even though it is not a secret that good payment is a motivation. Paying the health practitioners well will mean that it will attract several professionals hence reducing the deficit that is experienced at the moment.
Brain has also affected the health sector. Most medical professionals prefer working in developed countries due to good pay and working conditions. In order to address the issue on brain drain, the health providers should be paid well.
Encourage proper nutrition intake.
Good nutrition plays a big role in reducing maternal mortality. Encouraging proper nutrient intake among women will help reducing problems associated with poor nutrition like suboptimal breastfeeding, wasting, and stunted fetal growth.
Micronutrients deficiencies on vital elements like iron, zinc and iodine and vitamin A will lead to several women suffering from diseases associated with their lack. Severe maternal anemia increases the effects of shock to the body which might lead to heart attack and death.
Malnutrition also increases mortality rate through increased susceptibility to infectious diseases and increasing the duration and severity of diseases. Another cause of diseases is poor sanitation where fecal pathogens in the environment is passed to the humans when they consume contaminated food and water.
Working together with the private sector.
The fight against maternal mortality can be helped by working with the private sector. Having a laid down structure on how the private sector can help is vital on how they will engage with the pregnant women. Providing family planning is one of the services the private sector can provide to help reduce maternal mortality.